Even the most meticulous and experienced professionals find that payroll can be a headache. Add a stiff penalty for a tax filing omission, and now we are talking about a full blown financial migraine for your company. For many businesses, payroll services in Denver offer an attractive and valuable alternative to in-house processing. Choosing Payroll Vault will provide a less expensive, simpler means to paying your employees, filing your taxes, and performing many other duties. While the majority of U.S. businesses process paychecks internally, this is not always cost-effective. At minimum, internal processing requires the purchase of an accounting program and extensive training to use it. In addition, businesses need to keep up to date on changes in personnel, deadlines, and tax requirements.
Using a payroll service generally makes sense if your payroll changes every pay period. If your company has employees working varying amounts of hours each week or has a significant turnover rate, a payroll service can be a time-saving and cost-effective alternative to internal processing. Using a payroll service can also be helpful if you have to pay payroll taxes for multiple states. Our payroll services include calculating payroll and tax obligations for each employee, providing management reports, new hire reporting and many other services. Processing payroll involves much more than simply handing out regular paychecks. There are taxes, deductions, payroll law changes, and year-end documentation. We can take care of all these things for you and remove the headache associated with payroll processing.